Product Dashboards: 101

If you have never checked out the Data is Beautiful sub-reddit - it is a great place to watch other people make some incredible and not so incredible visualizations - both of which create learning opportunities.

Edward Tufte

  • Chart Junk
    • Data is the art just have to figure out how to encode the data in a pleasant and sensible manner.
  • Pictograms


  • Show the Data
  • Induce the viewer to think about substance rather than methodology
  • Avoid distorting what the data says itself
  • Encourage the eye to make comparisons within the data
  • Reveal the data at varried levels of detail - overview to fine detailed structure appreciateion
  • Serve a clear purpose


E. J. Marey Train Schedule for Paris ![E. J. Marey Train Schedule for Paris](/images/marey-schedule-lg.jpg)
CJM Napoleon Conquest ![CJM Napoleon Conquest](/images/CJM-Napoleon-March-skinny.jpg)
CJM Wine Trade Diagram ![CJM Wine Trade](/images/CJM-French-WineTrade.jpg)

Stephen Few

  • Sparklines
  • Bullet Charts
  • Hi/Low Status Indocators

Stephen Few
Edward Tufte