Music for Your Bones

¶First thing to know:
1: LCD Soundsystem is great.
¶Second thing:
2: You can disagree, and you can also be wrong. This is not up for debate as far as I am concerned.
Sure there was the “long goodbye” in Maddison Square Garden, now like Napolean Dynamite, we seemed to walk together after already saying goodbyes. It was too perfect. You knew this might happen. If you have no idea what I am talking about, then you have a fun ride ahead of you as you get up to speed on LCD Soundsystem [1].
If you decide that LCD is not your thing… I get it, sometimes “living like a grandparent” is fun. It removes the guilt for turning down new, cool stuff and letting you stick with the safe, comfortable, single-dimensional, vanilla flavors of life. For the rest of us on the train to happy town, we will enjoy the sweet tempo, the psychedelic beats, and the genius of James Murphy, leaving the incredibly-over-the-top album reviews [1] to other sites. This is not “about” the music. It is a call to action to “try it on for size” (if you have not already).
This post is “mostly music itself.” Enjoy.
Other albums by LCD Soundsystem include:
Also, a little lagniappe[2] for you: James Murphy remixed a David Bowie(RIP) song that I enjoyed. I hope you enjoy it too. If you are in need of applause for your day, and a beat for the street, this song included here ↴ is for you.[3]