Implementation Mindset

After watching American Sniper years ago, there was one scene that captured my mind in a way that never left. The military deals purpose intravenously. It has to. Your purpose has to be black and white. But coming down from the high of mainlining purpose can be hard for regular Joe trying to go back to a desk job, or even a field job.

Life has a way of not presenting the rules of the game, things just happen and the players pick up the rules as you go, but the objetive is never explicitly stated. For many people Jesus fill this gap, for others it gets filled with obsessions or other things. But it is an interesting thought to acknowledge that many people do not know (for sure) why they are here.

Think about what soldiers are to do. They take military tactics and strategies and play them out in the field. Life is clear. Your mission is readily spelled out in front of you. You utilize your training, instincts, and intuition to carry out the mission.

The same down hill process exists with corporate strategy. You can devise and inredibly clever corporate strategy, but with out the boots on the ground, with out the right people on the bus, with out the right Generals to bring it all home, with out 99% of the rest of the fight - the good strategy lay like a wet paper map in a flood - an interesting thought, and almost helpful.

So too with strategy, you can be incredibly clever… but then someone will have to make sense of the directives and memos.

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  • p232 - The Little BIG Things